Industry joint position paper on the new European Radio Spectrum Policy Programme

Industry joint position paper on the new European Radio Spectrum Policy Programme: A call on Europe to promote spectrum policies in support of the next Wi-Fi revolution

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DSA Statement on White House National Spectrum Strategy

The DSA is pleased to see that the National Spectrum Strategy, prepared by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and published today, will expand access to advanced wireless broadband networks and drive technological innovation, specifically with regard to innovative spectrum sharing technologies.

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Q1 2024 | DSA Newsletter

There is no doubt that 2024 is going to be a vitally important year as we all respond to the outcomes and key discussion from WRC-23 last year, and I would like to take the time to reflect on what was a hugely significant couple of months for the DSA.

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Q3 2023 | DSA Newsletter

Once again, the last few months have proven to be a very busy yet highly productive period for the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance. It has been a delight to interact with a great number of spectrum...

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Q2 2023 | DSA Newsletter

Recently, the DSA has been very active across Europe. We were pleased to publish a joint industry letter together with a broad industry coalition. This group represents European entities ranging from SMEs, industry associations...

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Q1 2023 | DSA Newsletter

There is no doubt that 2023 is going to be a vitally important year as we all prepare for WRC-23 in November/December

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Q3 2022 | DSA Newsletter

July to September marked an extremely busy but fruitful period for the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance.

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Q2 2022 | DSA Newsletter

In this issue… Martha Suarez gives an update on the DSA’s 2022 Global Summit and regulatory activities.

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DSA in the News

New whitepaper indicates dynamic spectrum

Connect World, 29 March 2023

Utilizing Dynamic Spectrum Management Systems (DSMS) will bolster the wireless connectivity available to critical industries while protecting incumbent users in shared spectrum bands...

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La gestión dinámica del espectro como estrategia para reforzar la conectividad inalámbrica

Wi-Fi Now, 5 April 2023

Que la gestión dinámica del espectro es la clave para impulsar la conectividad inalámbrica global es la principal conclusión que arroja el documento técnico titulado “Solving the spectrum crunch”...

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The tipping point for digital inclusion: WWC Rio zooms in on standard power 6 GHz Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi Now, 5 April 2023

Last week the international and Brazilian Wi-Fi industries were united under one roof in Rio de Janeiro – and thrust of the event was on policies and technology for enabling standard power 6 GHz Wi-Fi...

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Supporting a wireless world at DSA Summit 2023

Connect World, 29 March 2023

The sharing of frequency bands using dynamic spectrum coordination systems (DSMS) will be the only way to cope with the surging demand for mobile connectivity...

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La banda de 6 GHz no está desocupada y no se puede minimizar el debate a un uso para Wi-Fi vs licenciado

MobileEurope, 29 March 2023

UK regulator Ofcom has asked telecoms industry players how it can reallocate Shared Spectrum Licences that were previously the exclusive the domain of mobile network operators....

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DSA Statements

DSA Statements

DSA Statement on White House National Spectrum Strategy

November, 2023

The DSA is pleased to see that the National Spectrum Strategy, prepared by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and published today, will expand access to advanced wireless broadband networks and drive technological innovation...

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Letter to NTIA in Support of Balanced Spectrum Policy

April, 2023

As NTIA works to develop a National Spectrum Strategy, the undersigned 15 public interest organizations and industry leaders urge NTIA to expand access to spectrum for commercial use through a balanced variety of approaches that will promote competition and innovation...

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Wi-Fi Coalition Open Letter to European Union Institutions

Brussels, 18 November 2022

Ensuring the upper 6 GHZ spectrum is made available for new generation WI-FI: major step towards the accomplishment of the EU’s digital decade connectivity objectives. We, the signatories, representing a broad coalition (including industry associations, equipment manufacturers, chipset vendors...

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Open Letter to European Union Institutions

Brussels, 29 November 2021

Ensuring Wi-Fi Connectivity in an Innovative and Truly Connected European Gigabit Society We, the signatories, representing a wide range of sectors (satellite, SMEs, start-ups, manufacturers, chipset vendors and content application services, video games sector)...

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Leave No One Behind: a people-centered approach to achieve meaningful connectivity

April 26, 2021

In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, we need to accelerate concerted action at all levels to close the digital divide, especially the gender digital gap.…

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DSA calls for spectrum management actions to enable critical broadband services

June 30, 2020

DSA recommends swift and streamlined regulatory actions in using ICT for the prevention, preparedness and response to the Covid-19 pandemic.…

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Dynamic Spectrum Alliance applauds Chairman Pai’s announcement on the 6GHz

April 23, 2020

We are delighted to hear about FCC Chairman’s commitment to the 6 GHz band announcing his intention to vote the Report & Order and FNPRM on April 23rd.…

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Beneficiaries of Dynamic Spectrum Technologies

Profiles of some of the educational institutions, communities and organizations that have benefited from TV White Space pilots and programs supported by DSA members.
